..about me:.. i'm currently super into One Piece, Uma Musume: Pretty Derby and Arknights. i'm always looking for new mutuals with the same interests, so please feel free to interact with me!

..basic:.. any pronouns [but please she/they unless we're close]
bisexual [⚤/⚢] / aries / INFP
EN (native) / JP (N5 study)
..cosplay:..i cosplay Kureiji Ollie to cons. i am the Ollie in a pub cosplayer

ask for AO3 account!

..anime:.. One Piece, Darling in the FRANXX, Heion Sedai no Idaten Tachi, Urusei Yatsura, Devilman Crybaby, Zombieland Saga
..manga:.. One Piece, Takopii no Genzai, Mato Seihei no Slave, Tamen de Gushi, Berserk, Mieruko-Chan
..music:.. FAKE TYPE., THHK, Atarashii Gakko!, Ado, vocaloid
..mobage:.. Uma Musume: Pretty Derby [Oshimem Team Canopus], Arknights, Project Sekai
..seiyuu:..Ishigami Shizuka, Kinugawa Rika, Kawase Maki, Miyano Mamoru, Mitsuishi Kotono
.. ̆̈ ♡ ̆̈.. Ikuno [196], Hanekawa Tsubasa, Ch'en Hui-chieh, Nico Robin, Ikuno Dictus, Yūgiri, Narita Brian, Akiyama Mizuki, Sun Jing, Sounds of Earth
..-`♡´-.. HoshiCh'en, MakuIku, LawBin, AnHane, Sun Jing/Qiu Tong
..DNI.. proship, homophobic, support incest/selfship (Ch'en/Talulah, NikaLu etc)

..other things:.. i like sharks, JRA history (1970s<), kitsunes, JP folklore, and anything horror-related


please do not use * or @ to censor words like abuse and SA, my blocklist does not pick up on these variations
i will occasionally post about my own experiences with these topics, and i won't censor these words for the same above reason
i make "im going to kill myself" jokes a lot


basic criteria
you are under 16
you support proship/problematic content